See ME Not asd™️ The Podcast Artwork

See ME Not asd™️ The Podcast

I sincerely believe the world needs more people to believe in what they see and to have visions focused on possibilities beyond disabilities, diagnoses, differences, and diversities. But before you can be an inspiring visionary for everyone you serve, you must be committed to being the best version of yourself. By evaluating perspectives about diversity, equity, and inclusion, you can discover the unique ways you can evolve as a visionary and by elevating everyone else, you will succeed.I have a diverse profile of accomplishments, interests, and gratitude, but everything I am devoted to is directly connected to my love of being of service to others. My perspectives are not shared with an intention to change you or shape you into who I think you should be. Rather, they are an invitation to journey with me on a path to becoming the visionary you believe yourself to be. A true visionary does not simply seek to change the world as if they are a giant capable of doing the most on their own. Instead, a true visionary deeply desires to be of utmost service to the exceptional people with unique qualities and perspectives to collaboratively and creatively improve the world. My greatest title is “Mother” and I get to advocate for, and be of service to, four of the most exceptional people in the world. I do not focus my gaze on how their disability diagnoses, differences, or diversity levels may define them under a scope of societal standards. But I mightily focus on how their exceptionalities shall be highlighted, cultivated, and nurtured daily.You think you are a visionary? You think you want to be one? My truth has led to one simple revelation: Elevating exceptional people is what makes you a
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