See ME Not asd™️ The Podcast

Our Why: Spoiler Alert, It's YOU

Devika Carr Season 1 Episode 2

For many people, a common theme in 2019 was discovering their "WHY."  Well, there's no reason not to share what we've learned about "WHY" see ME not asd was created. In this first quarter of the year, as we help bring awareness through honesty, sharing our "WHY" regarding the conception of this project seemed appropriate. After all, we don't expect to earn your respect or permission to be a part of your life by making this all about "us."  Instead, we insist you become more aware how much power YOU have in all of this, how YOU are the reason we exist.  When your purpose for creating is deeply rooted in principles of service to others, they become the most important piece to what you create. In this case, that makes YOU the most important piece to us elevating exceptional people around the world.  Listen in to see just how important and valued YOU are.

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Hello and welcome. Here is a podcast just for you, where every day I'm teaching you something new about how to be the best version of yourself. So you can be an inspiring visionary for everyone else. I'm showing up to guide you. There's some things that you may have often overlooked, such as how to strengthen your mind set without having to read a book in a world where everyone's focus is on what everyone else is up Thio. I'm hoping I can help you slow life down so you can focus on what you can. D'oh! The world needs more people to believe in what they see and to have visions beyond diagnoses with a focus on possibility. So I'm asking that as you listenin, please open up your mind and together, let's see all the ways we can make better what we find. This is a podcast about diversity, equity and inclusion, and it's also about my experiences with exclusion. And it is my hope that in each episode you're able to connect with me, and when we leave the conversation, I hope you are forever committed to the cause. See me, not ASD. Let's get started Hello and welcome to Episode two of See Me? Not a s d The podcast. I'm your host Devika Car. Thank you for tuning in today. So as you know, our theme this quarter is awareness through honesty and in the second episode we're discussing with you are why and spoiler alert, it's you. So my question to you is this. Do you believe that your vision, your voice and your victories energized possibilities in your community for change and for growth? It's a big question because now you have to consider what voice do you use on Do you have in your community? What visions do you have for your community? And what victories do you get to celebrate among your community? How much do you believe that all of those things energize the people around you, the people in your community and the people whose lives are reached even beyond your immediate community? So in this segment, our goal is simply to plant the seed for more believing. By the end of this episode, we want youto leave here knowing that your voice, your vision and your victories are incredibly important for building and energizing the possibilities for growth in your communities. There's this whole realm of possibilities that are being overlooked. And what that really means is their community needs that are being unserved. And so by energizing all those possibilities now, communities can be served better. And it all starts with you, which is why you are our why for doing this. So I've always had this belief that nothing I say is new, right? Like somebody set it in some other way at some point in history in time. However, everything I say is true for someone so might not be too new to you or it could be new to somebody else. But it's true for somebody. It might not be true to you, but it could be true for somebody else. So nothing I say is new. And yet everything I say is true for someone. And so you are more then your body, right? Like you have this energy that you carry around throughout your existence and that energy changes over time changes with certain experiences, certain situations, certain circumstances. But you are more than just the physical body that you are living in. And if you believe that you have a soul. If you believe in your thoughts. If you believe in all of that, then you understand that all that you are beyond your body is what energizes possibilities in life. And your energy is everywhere. I mean, imagine your energy is is where you are now, where you've been before. The people that you meet now the people that you've met before, right, The experiences you've had in the past, the experiences you're having now your energy exists in all of those places among all of those things. And with all of those people that's pretty powerful in all of the roles I want you to consider. Now what order? All the rules that you play an existence. You are a friend. I imagine you are a co worker. You are a sister, a mother, a brother, a father, a mother. I said that already. Ah, you are a daughter, A son, an aunt and uncle. You are an employer. You are an employee. You are an entrepreneur. You are an advocate. You are community leader, right? The list could go on of all the different roles that people play. That your physical body and you as the energizing like individual and soul inside of that body are. And so in all of these rules, you all of a sudden become the hub rate. Like if I say I am hub of all the rules that I play, so I Devika Car and the Hub, I am the center source of energy and creativity and connection to all the other roles that I play, which are the spokes. In the last episode, I briefly discuss, Husband spoke. It's one of those models that I personally appreciate because it means that there's always a center source for something. And then there's, like all these other possibilities that extend from it. And then all those possibilities also come back to it. So it's like this flowing source of energy and possibilities. So I'm hub to pick a car. And then my spokes, for example, are I am a mother. I am a business owner. I am a writer. I am painter. I am Ah, a lawyer. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am an aunt. I am. What else am I? Uh It's not like I'm an athlete. I am that Yeah, that's all I could think over now, but but so I am all of those things. But Devika car is the center source for being all of those things, right? Does that make sense? So you too in your own life, are a center source of many things. And so you are the hub, and all of your different roles are the spokes. And you have to believe that if you are the center sores, that there's this possibility for your energy as who you are to influence all the different rules that you play. And then if you wanna go much deeper, you know you could Then the spokes become their own hub. Right? So if my spoke as a mom, it becomes the hub for how my Children are raised, how they are developed, how their loved, how they understand kindness, things like that, right. Then all of a sudden, those different teachings, those different roles of the mother become the spokes with the mom being the hub. So I convinced I can visually present this to you in a separate pdf for infographic so that it makes more sense, right? But I believe that you are competent enough to understand what I'm what I'm describing here. So you, as the center source, become the conduit of energy. And you have this ability to create possibilities, to increase understanding, to inspire to influence in multitudes of ways you have this your energy has the ability to impact understanding, to impact, support to impact the love and the development of meaningful relationships. Right? Because in each of those roles, there's a possibility for all of those things to be impacted. And so you are that center source of influence in the culture of all of those things. And all of those things are part of your community. And when I say community, I mean all the different communities that you are involved in, we could be talking about your community of your city. I think I think often people refer to communities as that, but also the community, your work community, your professional community, your, um, your extracurricular interest communities, like running groups and art groups. And you write something you could think of all different types of communities, communities where people come together and with shared interests. Right. Um, and so your energy infiltrate so many different ways, and so that's what makes you so special. That's what gives you so much power that you carry around different energies that can influence so many different places and people and things. It's It's really a powerful way of recognizing how important you are to this world into the space that you're in into the communities that you are part of. Even if it's one or two or three, however many or how few, it doesn't matter. Recognizing the energies that you have and that you bring to each of the communities that you are a part of is really powerful piece of awareness to to find. And so once you understand that this energy exists, you also have an opportunity to understand that your energy has the ability to energize, energize and elevate perceptions. And you have a big role in shaping culture and changing it and investing in it and making it better. Let me just throw out an example. Let's say the community that I'm I'm currently in is I'm surrounded by my family. So it's my familial community, and I'm having a discussion with everyone in the room about what it means to see individuals for who they are and what makes them exceptional, as opposed to seeing them for being diagnosed with autism. Now there could be people among my family who I love and who have supported my whole life and knowing them who believe that. Nope. You've got a disability diagnosis. I'm going to see you is disabled. And I have an opportunity because there's always a possibility to change Orin influence of perspective. So I have the ability now to utilize my energy and my perspectives two influence, how some other people are thinking and just that possibility, even even knowing that I might not change anyone's mind, even just the possibility of knowing that I might change someone's mind. Or I might help someone and guide someone without judging them for how they feel and how they think. But I might be able to guide them to a different perspective, then that that could then translate thio, whoever they touch and whoever they talk to you and whoever they reach. So I'm going to take that chance. I'm gonna accept the possibilities that exist, and I'm gonna be a part of those possibilities, and I'm going to commit to the energy that I put into those possibilities because there's always the possibility that it grows be on that single situation. It's hope it's the hope that I hold on to because if you don't hold on to that, what else do you have? There is no guarantee that there will be an achievement of any one thing, but there's always the possibility that it can be achieved and that it shall be achieved. So energizing your voice, energizing your vision, energizing your victories and being able to take all of that and energize the possibilities that exist for other people. Wow, that's really powerful. And so you are our why you are the reason why I'm doing this because I believe in the possibilities that exist. Thio influence all of that, and I love it. I love the possibility of giving you more of serving you more of serving you in such a way that you come to the realization for yourself just how powerful you are, just how valuable your energies are, just how important you are to every aspect of your life and all the people and the things and the places that you touch with your life and that great, that's so good. So There's always been this this thought that you speak things into existence. What you say is what you believe. What you say is what you are. What you say is what you'll d'oh so you can speak into existence. You can feel things into existence. You can think things into existence, right? So then if you believe in your power, there is so much more room for believing. And then when you have more room for believing, then there's this realm of possibilities that I mentioned before have have been missed and now they all of a sudden become unlocked, a realm of possibility. Think, think about it, a realm of possibilities that have been untouched because people have limited their perspectives, limited their power, have limited their understanding of what their power, even it. There's a realm of possibilities that were missing as a society, as a culture, as communities, because we have failed awareness with honesty. We have failed to recognize just how powerful we really are, and I'm not talking power in terms of money and positions of leadership. But I'm talking internal power, the internal power in the internal, knowing and awareness with honesty that everything we touch has an energy that comes with it. And then when we understand the power and the energies that we carry, we understand just how great of a chance, how great the possibilities are, that we can actually influence something else. So for all the realm of possibilities that have been overlooked, you are the center source of energy of possibilities that can change it. You are the reason positive impact can be achieved. I love that. I love this idea that you are that center source. It's the only reason that I committed to do this, knowing that when I talk to you, you have an opportunity to trust your own power. You have an opportunity to be brought to the awareness through honesty that you are that incredible. I want to be of service to you. I want to serve the individuals the use out there who recognize and have awareness of this power because you are the ones who are gonna change the world. And, yeah, people are like, Oh, you want to change the world? Yeah, Actually, there are some aspects of this world I absolutely love. But who says there isn't room for change? And obviously the kind of change that I would like to see is the one where more people see individuals for how exceptional they are, as opposed to what they've been diagnosed with, or as opposed to what makes them significantly different or any significant difference at all. I want to see that. That's the change I want to see. That's the better I want to to create. That's the culture I want to invest in shift. That's the vision I believe matters, the vision where we see individuals for us, the exceptional people that they are and that we minimize our focus on what makes them different. What makes them labeled what what disability diagnoses have limited their possibilities because when we see people is exceptional. Now we see an unlock the Rome of possibilities for them without limitations. So it all ties in together. But it all starts with you. You are the Y because if that's what you believe, if if any of this is what you believe and imagine how powerful we can be together as a community, a community of people who see individuals for the exceptional people, they are as opposed to everything else now seeming out. Esteem was creatively conceived with all of these objectives in mind, but it was mostly with the you in mind they understanding that we are anchored and we must remain anchored in serving others. Because, yeah, it's great if I believe this. It's it's great if I believe it, and I place my energy into it and and I, um you know, it's great that I carry that energy around with me, but what's even greater is knowing and finding the people who see it that way, too. So here's a call to action this week. I would like for you to energize yourself. Yes, I want you to go out into the world, and I want you everyday to wake up and be energized in. You. Energize your vision or your visions if you have multiple ideas of possibilities. I want you to go out into the world every day, and I want you to wake up every day and I want you, Sam, energizing my victories, the things that I'm great at, the things that make me awesome, the things that make my world wonderful. There's plenty of things that you could find victorious, energized that put your energy into that into the you that you are the visions that you have the victories that you have. And I also would love for you to go out and energize your voice like just practice using it. Or better yet, just just just use it. Use your voice toe, energize people around you to energize the the people that you love. The people that you support the people that you see is exceptional Fine people that you know and find what makes them exceptional. And then energize your voice by sharing it with, um, you see victories that you have achieved or that those that you love and support around you have achieved and use your voice, energize those victories for them and, of course, utilize that energy in the ways that make you feel good. Because I truly believe that if you do that, you're gonna find your week to be more fulfilling. There's gonna be so much joy in your day as you go along and you're like, man, and you put that good energy into those things. That's I also want you to be thankful to know that you are valued. You are the reason why I'm doing this. And I want you to recognize that because you are the reason because I am committed to serving you generously and consistently. That makes you valued. You were incredibly valuable. You are incredible asset to this world. Put energy into that put energy into the awareness there Honestly put energy into the awareness of knowing that you are valued, that your vision matters, that your victories matter and that your voice matters. Because even if you can't think of a single other person in the entire world who cares about any of your your visions, your voice or your victories, I d'oh, that's what I'm here for, to let you know it to prove it to you. So the creative connection this week is a quote that I heard from the Air Knots movie. It's a new film that was released on, I believe Amazon Prime. And, uh, it's about this scientist who once learned more about the weather. And so he he takes up a hot air balloon with a pilot on. It's It's an interesting film I won't give you, you know that I'm not here to give a review on the film. But there is this amazing quote at the end, and I'd like to read it to you now. So we tell our story not for the purposes of pleasure, but for the advancement of knowledge and for the good of us all. So we tell her story not for the purposes of pleasure, but for the advancement of knowledge and for the good of us all. That's why that's why we're committed to sharing stories. But you deserve gain more knowledge. You deserve the advancement of your knowledge. You deserve the advancement of good in that awesome. Like I wish when I was growing up, I had someone like me to tell me that. So the mantra this week is this Nothing. I say it's new. And yet everything I say is true for someone. May I find that someone who finds truth in this space and may I serve them well, may I plant the seed for more believing? And may I energize possibilities for growth in the communities of those I serve? Thank you so much for turning into Episode two of See me, not a s t. We'll see you next time. You just listened to see me, not SD the podcast with your host Devika. Thank you for joining. Please connect with us beyond this week's episode so we can continue the conversation. We hope that you'll have time to visit our website. See me, not SD dot com, where you'll discover show notes Bonus content. Be able to sign up for access to our other resource is and submit any questions, comments or topic ideas. But if you're currently multitasking while watching or listening to this podcast and you're not able to get to the website right now, we simply ask that you remember us on Instagram See me not a s t. We have some bonus content that we've bookmarked for you easy access and you'll be able to get started. We believe we are the number one source for inspiring visionary supporters around the world so that they can elevate the exceptional people in the world a swell in the pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion. So as you, me individuals see them for the exceptional people that they are and do your best to elevate that